Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

Hello from Wakatobi!!!

Hy everyone this my first time to write. please forgive me, if there are some mistakes that i made.
oh ya  go to our main topic (wakatobi).
i am original people at wakatobi island, i was born in bau-bau/21 April/2001. But, although i was born in bau-bau. My live, My travel, friends, and my heart at here.

for the information Wakatobi is an abbreviation from four main island at the area. That is  wangi-wangi, kaledupa, tomia, binongko. This area consist of four main island and thirty two small island. the regency of the island is wangi-wangi island and as the capital city. for detail, i will explain it one by one.

Wangi-wangi island

Wangi-wangi island is the capital city of wakatobi island. and the main place that the events of government done such us kabuenga, duata, bangka mbule-mbule ( explain at the other chance). and this as my home at wanci (look map). i really love this island, why ???

- as my home (sure that, i enjoy)
-the facility enough good. 
the electric is turn on 24 hours. different with the other island. i will explain my experience when i was in kaledupa in the next chapter
-for the tourism object is complete. start from fortress, water cave, restaurant on the sea, tourism village,etc
-easy to get our necessary because at the island there three market that serve many things that you need

And also for the transportation from one island to the other island, we can use local boat that rent by local people.
and for tourist from other refgency that want to visit wakatobi there airport here (matahora airport) and harbor for ship.


Kaledupa is the second main island. i really recommend you, if you want to looking for relax, quiet, and calm you can go to this island. When you arrive at here, you will serve by the panoramic of traditional house and here you still get the original bajo house (bajo ethnic  is one the ethnic here)
And there is some icon of kaledupa island that is hoga island. 
Hoga island is a small tourism island at the area. But, because of the hands that not responsible made the island dirty and there is no manager for the island make more bad. But, i and my friend and all people that care to our island  still keep it. although, we can not done it all of the time. we still try. in the next chapter i will share our picture when we were at kaledupa island

Tomia island

tomia island is third main island.
this is my favorite island. i love this island because of the underwater panoramic that make all people that see can be crazy because it is really beautiful and the condition of the corals here consist many various, and still keep and natural. and the condition of tomia such us traditional village that very beautiful. although, the facility not complete like wangi-wangi. but, most of tourist more choose this island to spare their time when they ware in wakatobi.
for the visitor don`t worry about home because here many home stay and if you want you can stay at one mobaa dive resort that manage by abroad people. the standard of the resort is international. Most of important people that come to wakatobi stay at here.

Binongko island

this is the fourth main island.
according to me, this island the island for strong people because of at the island the climate is really hot and for the clean water to drink, take a bath, etc hard to find at here. But, the unique is  The ironsmiths “Tukang Besi” can be found in several villages, however a great location to see them is Popalia village because the ironsmiths are directly located on a cliff above the ocean. They traditionally create their hot fire by fanning the flames with a self constructed fan. They heat the metal until they can mold it to get the desired shape. The iron smiths in Binongko are especially famous for their high quality “Parang” (machete). These machetes are sold everywhere in Wakatobi and also on other islands such as Maluku. You can experience the work process and even do it yourself. Visitors can participate in an iron smith workshop and make their own knife with the professional support of the local experts.

okay, i think enough do not forget to came again for the next chapter
thanks for visiting.
write comments if you like or want to visit wakatobi
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Hello from Wakatobi!!!

Hy everyone this my first time to write. please forgive me, if there are some mistakes that i made. oh ya  go to our main topic (wakatobi...